Masy co-founder Thomas Da Jose recently spoke at the "Impact.Engineered 2020 Conference" to share key insights on sanitation technologies and pathways to scale with the global development community.
On 4 December 2020, Thomas shared key insights and lessons learnt from a research project he completed with Dr. Jonathon Truslove in collaboration with Engineering For Change (E4C) and Engineers Without Borders Australia, titled "Appropriate Sanitation Solutions for Hard Rock Areas in Rural Cambodia". The actionable recommendations and practical findings will help organisations and practitioners operating at local, national and global levels across Southeast Asia to achieve the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal (SGD) 6: Clean water and sanitation by 2030.

The Impact.Engineered 2020: Partnerships Advancing Decade of Action is a Virtual Event & Networking Experience that vividly explores the role of humanitarian engineering in the coming decade, which is set to be one of the most important in human history.
The Impact.Engineered 2020 conference will feature current and emerging practitioners as speakers across a schedule of topical sessions.
Organised by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and E4C, the conference brings together industry leaders and practitioners for the chance to reflect and collaborate in solving challenges such as the global pandemic and climate change, in addition to the urgency of achieving the UN SDGs. The conference is comprised of inspirational keynotes, mindful conversations, socially distanced celebration and networking to advance the role of engineering and technology in sustainable development.